Friday, November 09, 2007

Art: Dashboard

A great example of an operational dashboard from the Indianapolis Museum of Art (from the Artful Manager)

Art: Lessons from the Lincoln Center

Some good advice from the Lincoln Center President - Ronald Levy - in and interview with Kai Rysdall on Markeplace. (From Artful Manager)
" of the things we've learned is that social discourse is enormously important to the enjoyment of the performing arts. And, what it will do is provide an opportunity for those who are coming to performances to come early, to leave late, to linger, to actually talk about the work they're about to see or the work that they've just seen. And, it will also allow artists to do the same."

"It's an extraordinary amount of fun to find the intersection between the interests and background of a donor, and the needs of the institution. If you find that intersection, that's the sweet spot. And my personal attitude is that we are really doing the prospective donor an enormous favor by asking for support. Because their gift will provide a meaning and a consequence in their lives that will otherwise not exist. "

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Design: Austin artisans collective

"The Architectural Artisans Collaborative is an organization of professional, highly skilled artisans, architects, and artists dedicated to the renaissance of architectural craft in buildings constructed in Austin and central Texas."

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Zeitgeist: Catalog Choice

Want to reduce the number of catalogs you get in the mail? Head on over to Catalog Choice.
"Catalog Choice is a free service that allows you to decide what gets in your mailbox. Use it to reduce your mailbox clutter, while helping save natural resources."